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Contemporary Visual Artist 

My exhibitions began in my hometown Cali, Colombia back in 1994.  My works have been exhibited in galleries, museums and art fairs in Colombia, United States and Europe. Within some of these, are the Art Museum Caldas- Colombia, Latin American Art Museum Miami, Flo, Civic Museum Di Abano Terme-Italy, Art Basel - Miami, Florida, and Museo Nazionale di Villa Pisani Venice-Italy, Florence Biennale – Firenze, Italy – MEAM – Museu Europeu d´Art Modern -International Biennial of Art Barcelona – Barcelona, Spain – “Art et Confrontation Globale” – Paris, France - among others.

Awarded with various prizes and distinctions such as 2013 First Prize for Figurative Art - III Biennial Art in Valle del Cauca, Mention of honor "I Grau Award to the Arts 2014", Artist Brand Country Colombia 2015, selected as one of the 100 Characters in the Centennial of Valle del Cauca, International Prize Caravaggio – Great Master of Art 2018 – Milan, Italy, included in the "The Silver Book of Artists of the Museum of the Americas" 2018 - Texas, USA, Prize Eccelenza Europea delle Arti – European Community 2019 – Barcelona, Spain and included in the book "The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists 2019" - Palermo, Italia. 


Awards & Publications  

"Si anteriormente Caty Cucalón se centraba en la inherente capacidad de símbolo del objeto común, ahora su atención estética se desplaza hacia el objeto mismo, o, más precisamente hacia el material que lo constituye y lo conforma.  Esos materiales, porosos, oxidados o brillantes comparten un elemento metálico común: La lata.


Y es que sus obras recientes toman como punto de partida láminas de metal utilizadas y desechadas por la sociedad. Para ella la elección misma del material constituye ya un acto creativo nada desdeñable". 

Fernando Ureña Rib

Presidente Latín Art Museum

Miembro de AICA

Asociación Internacional de Críticos de Arte

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